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Ryanair Wins Court Ruling in La Coruña

“Ryanair, Europe’s number 1 airline, has today (January 11) welcomed the ruling of the Court of La Coruña which confirms that airlines, including Ryanair, can determine their own cabin baggage policy and confirms that the regulations from Ryanair, which allows passengers to carry one piece of cabin luggage free of charge and which is essential for the safety and comfort of passengers traveling in limited space, complies with EU legislation.”“This is the last of dozens of court rulings confirming the legality of Ryanair’s hand luggage policy, including those from the courts of Madrid, Valladolid, Santander, Pontevedra, Pamplona, Vitoria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Málaga , Valencia, Orense, León and Seville.”

“These resolutions are also in line with the “Vueling” ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU, which confirmed that airlines are not obliged to include optional fees for checked baggage in their fare and that the Spanish Law is contradictory and incompatible with the EU Regulation, which guarantees the freedom to charge fees for optional services such as baggage check-in.”

Adding to this was Elena Cabrera, Country Manager of Ryanair:

“We welcome these court rulings which confirm that each airline has the right to determine its own cabin baggage policy.”

“It is essential for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers and a key component of EU legislation that airlines can set their own cabin baggage regulations.”

“Ryanair’s free cabin baggage policy is generous and sufficient to carry items such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, books, medicines and valuables, ensuring safety, comfort and convenience on board for all passengers.”

All eyes will be on the reaction from La Coruña following this ruling.

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