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Don’t do drugs kids!

Ryanair flight to Ibiza forced to land in France so police can remove ‘disruptive’ man. Police officers removed a man from a Ryanair flight to Ibiza after he became “disruptive”, forcing the plane to divert to Bordeaux, France. The flight departed Liverpool John Lennon Airport on Tuesday (3 October) bound for the Spanish Balearic Island but the decision was made to land in Bordeaux so the passenger could be offloaded. The plane was met by local police on the tarmac. Footage shared by a fellow passenger of the man being ejected from the flight has been viewed…

Ryanair to cut flights this winter due to Boeing delivery delays

DUBLIN, Sept 28 (Reuters) – Ryanair (RYA.I) announced cuts to its winter schedule on Thursday due to delays in the delivery of Boeing (BA.N) aircraft, but Europe’s largest airline by passenger numbers said its full-year traffic forecast was unaffected “as yet”. Ryanair, which is one of Boeing’s largest customers, said in a statement that it had expected to receive delivery of 27 aircraft bewteen September and December. However, production delays at the Spirit (SPR.N) Fuselage facility in Wichita, Kansas, combined with Boeing repair and delivery delays in Seattle, meant the budget airline now expects to receive…